Barry McGuire - Last Daze Waltz Lyrics

Last Daze Waltz Lyrics

People thought Noah had done flipped out.
They said, "Look at the cat with the boat.
Why, we're miles from water and there's no signs of showers.
How d'you think that thing's gonna float?"
"Well", Noah said, "man, you can ride with me
Just turn from your wicked ways"
You know it started to rain the boat began to float
They knew they lost their last hope.
Justice had its day.

There's no man knows the hour or the day
But we know that He's coming soon,
So don't think you're cool, or that you're doing so good
Unless you're ready for the LORD's return.
Jesus come fast, you know the world can't last,
We're gonna wipe ourselves off the map.Uh-huh.
Don't let Him catch you when you're fast asleep
Or even when you're taking a nap. No snoozing' now!

Yeah, Samson had the strength of a thousand men,
You know the strength lied in his hair.
Along came Delilah with the crew-cut style,
Said Samson had something rare.
First thing you know he lost his eyes,
Yeah the poor boy was made a slave.
Unless you want to be a slave unto yourself
You better get right with God
let Jesus have His way.

I said there's no man knows the hour or the day
But we know that He's coming soon,
So don't think you're cool, or that you're doing so good
Unless you're ready for the LORD's return.
I said Jesus comes fast, you know the world can't last,
We're gonna wipe ourselves off the map.Uh-huh.
Don't let Him catch you when you're fast asleep
Or even when you're taking a nap.
Oh, eyes wide open, now! Straight ahead!

Now you better get ready to meet your Maker,
Don't you keep on shining Him on.
Well Ali and Frazier, that was quite a fight
But wait until Armageddon.
Yeah, there'll be flashes of lightning,
Peals of thunder,
Sounds like you never heard.
And if you want to read about tomorrow today
I tell you brother, it's all there in God's Word.

Last Daze Waltz Video

Last Daze Waltz Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Last Daze Waltz by Barry McGuire: A Deep Dive into its Message and Meaning


This powerful and thought-provoking song carries significant messages that resonate with listeners. We will examine the main key messages of the song chronologically, delve into its meaning, and analyze its biblical references. So, let's embark on this journey to uncover the depth and significance of "Last Daze Waltz."

I. The Opening Lines: Setting the Stage

The song begins with the lines, "In the last days, there'll be no peace for man / Brothers killing brothers, across the land." These opening lines immediately establish the theme of the song: the turmoil and chaos that characterize the last days. McGuire highlights the absence of peace and the devastating consequences of humanity's actions, emphasizing the division and violence that permeate society.

II. The Chorus: A Call for Redemption

The chorus of "Last Daze Waltz" serves as a repeated refrain throughout the song, reinforcing its central message. It goes as follows:

"So let the music play, let the dancers sway
In the Last Daze Waltz, they'll be no delay
When the trumpet sounds, and the horsemen ride
You can't run, you can't hide."

These lines convey a sense of urgency and inevitability. McGuire encourages listeners to embrace the present moment, acknowledging that the last days are imminent. The metaphor of the waltz symbolizes the dance of life, urging individuals to face the reality of the end times without delay. The mention of the trumpet and the horsemen alludes to biblical prophecies, which we will explore further in the later sections.

III. The First Verse: Unveiling the Deception

In the first verse, McGuire delves deeper into the state of the world during the last days. He sings:

"False prophets speaking, with deceiving lies
Many will be led astray, by their disguise
Wars and rumors, the earth in pain
Sorrows increasing, in the last days."

These lines highlight the prevalence of false prophets and their ability to deceive people with their lies and disguises. McGuire warns that many will be led astray, emphasizing the importance of discernment and spiritual grounding. The mention of wars, rumors, and the earth in pain reflects the chaos and suffering that will intensify as the last days approach.

IV. The Second Verse: A Plea for Salvation

The second verse of "Last Daze Waltz" takes a more personal tone, focusing on individual struggles and the need for salvation. McGuire sings:

"Children born of darkness, lost in despair
Searching for hope, but finding nowhere
But there's a Savior, who can set them free
In the last days, there's a chance to believe."

These lines convey a message of hope amidst the darkness. McGuire acknowledges the hardships faced by individuals, especially the younger generation, who are lost and desperate for hope. However, he emphasizes that even in the last days, there is still a chance for salvation and belief in the Savior who can set them free.

V. The Bridge: A Warning and a Call to Action

The bridge of the song serves as a pivotal moment, combining a warning with a call to action. McGuire sings:

"Don't be deceived by the ways of the world
Seek the truth, let your heart be unfurled
For the time is near, don't be caught asleep
In the last days, your soul to keep."

These lines echo the biblical admonition to be vigilant and not be deceived by the ways of the world. McGuire encourages listeners to seek the truth and allow their hearts to be open to it. The mention of being caught asleep serves as a warning against spiritual complacency, urging individuals to stay awake and prepared for the last days.

Meaning and Inspiration:

The meaning of "Last Daze Waltz" revolves around the anticipation of the last days and the importance of spiritual awareness and salvation. The song serves as a wake-up call, urging listeners to confront the reality of the end times and make choices that align with their faith.

The inspiration behind the song likely stems from biblical prophecies found in the New Testament, particularly in the books of Matthew, Mark, and Revelation. McGuire draws from these scriptures to paint a vivid picture of the last days and the significance of being prepared.

Biblical Analysis:

Now let's critically analyze whether "Last Daze Waltz" aligns with biblical teachings. The key messages of the song mirror several biblical themes and prophecies regarding the end times. Here are a few references that support the song's biblical foundation:

1. Matthew 24:6-8 – These verses speak of wars, rumors of wars, and nation rising against nation, which align with the lyrics highlighting the earth in pain.

2. Matthew 24:11 – This verse mentions false prophets who deceive many, echoing the warning in the first verse of the song.

3. Matthew 24:36 – The song's mention of the unpredictability of the hour or day aligns with this verse, emphasizing the need to be prepared.

4. Revelation 6:1-8 – The mention of the trumpet and horsemen in the chorus refers to the opening of the seals and the events described in this chapter.

Based on these references, it is evident that "Last Daze Waltz" incorporates biblical themes and prophecies, aligning with the teachings of the Bible regarding the last days.


"Last Daze Waltz" by Barry McGuire is a profound song that carries significant messages about the last days and the urgency of spiritual preparedness. Through its lyrics, McGuire highlights the chaos, deception, and need for salvation that will intensify as the end times approach. The song serves as a call to action, urging listeners to seek the truth, stay vigilant, and embrace the present moment. With its biblical references and alignment with biblical teachings, "Last Daze Waltz" provides a powerful message that resonates with believers and prompts introspection about one's faith and readiness for the last days.

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